Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm back!!

I know that I have said it before, BUT.... I really am going to blog now!
So many things are happening in our lives right now that the chaos is the new normal... 'Nothing new' to me, means 'Things are crazy and chaotic' go figure ha ha.

I will give a quick update on life right now and fill in the blanks as I go... If I try to catch up now, you'll never get current information!

As many of you know, we officially started a family of our own on July 27, 2010 when Parley Opal joined our family. She is such an angel and I feel so honored to be a mother -even when it is only 2AM and I've already been up to feed her so many times that i've probably only slept just over an hour-
Parley is beautiful and healthy and such a blessing in our lives. Tyler is still working at the plasma center as the Operations Supervisor, and volunteering at the fire station where he is the EMS Coordinator. I am now a stay at home mom and I am now a Mary Kay consultant. I love both things, but I love that being a mother comes first- always!! (I need to say thank-you to those of you who have helped me so much in being able to stay home with my sweet baby girl! I love you so very much- more than I can put into words!!)
We are now home owners as well! Sing Praises!! I am so glad that we are no longer renting! It is more stress, and reality can be hard at times, but it is worth it! Our family now consists of Tyler and I, Parley, IceCream'n'Cake (cat), and Pukah (dog).
-let me say that Tyler named the cat by the way-

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Yay for blogging!!! Or I should say, yay for YOU blogging, lol. By the way, why in the world did Tyler give the kitty such a long name. Sheesh ;). Love ya guys! I'm looking forward to reading allll about your adventures.

About Me

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In July I am going to become a MOM! I need to find a way to work from home so that I can stay home with our beautiful new baby when she comes. I have started this business and I am hoping that I can do well enough not to have to go back to work. I thank all of you who are supporting me in this and hope that this works out!